Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Easter Crafts: Felt Bunny

It's Eastertime!  Well, just about.  It's less than 2 weeks away.  For the next few days we will be sharing a craft per day until each of the items shown are covered.  Well, except for the puzzle eggs.  But they can be purchased here.

Today's entry is the felt bunny (see printable below).  Use a blanket stitch.  Begin by stitching the pattern felt onto the ears.  Next, stitch the decorative stitching of the face: two french knots for the eyes, blanket stitching for the nose and simple stitches for the mouth.  THEN sew the back and the two sides making sure to stitch the ears in.  Stitch the tail (a small pom-pom) last.

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